Book of Phae8

A place to read about everything from Tarot to travel to tomatoes.

Blessings for 2014


Happy new year and I wish you many blessings!

I’m sharing today some of my hopes for blessings in the new year and thoughts on how the year might go.  For one, I plan to be posting more frequently.  Posting requires a trip to the local library for internet access, so it has been spotty until now.  I have resolved to post at least twice a month, preferably once a week.  I will probably stick to Wednesdays, I like those.

I’ve had a lot of issues with abundance in the last year, so I am determined to untangle that knot somehow this year.  I don’t know how successful I’ll be in what seems to be a failing economy.  Things seem to be changing fast though so I will keep on and see what happens.  I want to start offering items for sale.  I am able to make many things and I’m curious to see what comes of that.

I haven’t been doing all that well. Money is very tight and I had been skimping on my thyroid medications and things got a bit bad before I put two and two together.  I’m on the right track now, but I am still recovering.  I’m hoping that I get where I need to be quickly.

The focus for this year is bringing my dreams into being.  Trying different ones on for size and seeing how they fit, how they feel. I’m desperately tired of the same old cycles, stories, and I’m definitely tired of the lack.  This year is a year putting things out there and drawing benefits back in!  I hope anyway.


So!  I dearly wish for us all to have many blessings in the new year!

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This entry was posted on January 8, 2014 by in Abundance, coin of the realm, Personal Log.